Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Climate Change Opinion Piece

Is climate change a significant issue? Is it caused mainly by humans? How does it impact humans?

I think climate change is a significant issue, because it is ruining our planet, but I don’t think that there is anything to do about it, it's happened before, why won’t it happen again? So, why bother trying, but of coarse we should try, just in case it slows down the process.

I think it is not mainly caused by humans because it is a regular thing that happens, but humans are just making it worse, and happen faster. Humans are making is worse by polluting, driving non-efficient vehicles, not recycling, and creating polluting factories.

It impacts humans in multiple ways. People are losing their homes because of hurricanes and floods, some people are running out of food because of drought, and the ice caps are melting which will cause the coastlines to rise about 20 feet in the next couple centuries.

Well, I think that we shouldn’t waste so much of our time trying to ‘fix’ climate change, in my opinion there is not much that we can do, but, I am totally fine with recycling, driving efficient cars, riding bikes and all that junk, but what is the point of our lives revolving around helping the environment? Lets just live our lives, whether the world is being destroyed or not.

How it works:
The rays from the sun enter our atmosphere and are reflected back out; some are trapped to heat up our earth.
But more are getting trapped in our atmosphere because it is thickened by green house gasses, causing global warming.

What we can do to help:
-Drive efficient vehicles
-Stop the polluting factories
-Ride bikes
-Car pool
-Plant more trees